On low heat, I rendered a bit of the trimmed fat in a cast iron Dutch oven.
After removing the trimmed pieces, I turned up the heat and browned all sides of the pork roast.
After browning, I covered the pot and put it into a 250' oven for about 2 hours; added the sauerkraut and covered the pot for another hour and a half; and pulled apart the meat for serving.
We served the pork with mashed potatoes, a spinach (from the hoop house garden) salad, a bottle of red wine and the last of the Holiday sangria.
Notes to self: when loading the pork into the freezer from the butcher shop-label a pork roast to reserve it for New Year's dinner. Ask friends with the pork and sauerkraut New Year's tradition what kind of farm-made sausage could be added to our first of the year feast. When the cabbage comes into the root cellar, make sauerkraut.