Barn drama

Beautiful ram lamb twins from this first lambing ewe. All wonderful except… barn drama.

A very maternal older ewe attempted to “steal” one of the twins. While the lambing ewe was delivering the 2nd lamb, the older ewe started licking the 1st born dry. Fortunately I had a pen for the ewe and twins and a pen for the “thief”.

The thief was large and close to term (she delivered triplets within 24 hours). Safely moving her into a pen took all my strength. Her cries for “her” lamb were pitiful.

The new mother tried to reject the lamb licked by the thief so I climbed into the pen and rubbed the damp twins over each other and made sure both took those essential sips of colostrum.

From my very maternal Mauve line, this first timer knew just how to care for her twins.

Barn drama managed; 1st time ewe successful; shepherd bruised and contented “thief” mothering her own triplets this morning.